AutoExam™ 2008

CD-ROM based test preparation for Windows 7, Vista & XP.

AutoExam 2008 is our newest CD-ROM based version of our AutoExam product line.

Platform details

· Designed for Microsoft Window's 7 & Vista; backward compatible with Microsoft Window's XP

· Built on Microsoft's .NET V3.0 technology - taking particular advantage of the new Windows Presentation Foundation and XAML

· Blend of internet access and rich user interface

· Database independent; currently supporting Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access for stand-alone workstations

· Exam content independently imported based on XML standards

· Supports complete exams, partial exams and user defined selected subjects

· Uses Microsoft's FlowDocument technology enabling dynamic text formatting and resizing

· Printing of entire exams to take with you

Microsoft WPF Showcase

Microsoft has included AutoExam 2008 in its WPF Showcase.

See it at

wpf showcase